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Greenbelt protects natural land and working farms across Essex County forever, helping to conserve healthy ecosystems, clean water, local food supplies, scenic landscapes and free, accessible places for all to benefit from nature.
Abundant protected natural land and working farms of Essex County sustain healthy ecosystems, enrich the quality of life for all, and inspire current and future generations.
Our core values are the principles which guide and inspire us daily. They drive our accountability to each other and to the individuals, families, organizations and 34 communities with whom we work.
The bylaws that goven the Essex County Greenbelt Association as adopted by its members.
With this five-year strategic plan, Greenbelt strengthens our commitment to protecting
the natural landscapes and working farms of Essex County. At the same time, we will continue to expand our partnerships and build community across the county to support more just
and equitable conservation and access to open space. The depth and breadth of Greenbelt’s goals require that we diversify and strengthen our financial support for this
work and think hard about how our organization can be more inclusive and effective.
Greenbelt recognizes that the work of land conservation has historically played a role in perpetuating social injustice and racial inequity. We are committed to considering historic and present inequities as we advance our conservation mission; to fostering a welcoming, inclusive and safe environment; and to accountability and action around diversity, equity and inclusion to enrich our organization and our work.
The properties that Greenbelt conserves are on ancestral lands of the Pennacook and the Pawtucket, bands of Abenaki-speaking people.
Join us in honoring the elders who lived here before, the Indigenous descendants today and the generations to come. Read more about Greenbelt's Land Acknowledgment Commitment.
82 Eastern Avenue
PO Box 1026
Essex, MA 01929
e. Contact by Email
p. 978.768.7241
Greenbelt thanks the photographers whose work is featured prominently on our website: Jerry Monkman, Dorothy Monnelly, Adrian Scholes, David Alden St. Pierre & Neil Ungerleider