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New Parking Area at Seine Field Improves Safety and Accessibility

Posted Thursday, October 24, 2024

A spacious new off-street parking area was recently completed at Seine Field in Gloucester, greatly enhancing access and safety for visitors to the popular 16-acre property. The crushed gravel lot, funded in part by a grant from the Bruce J. Anderson Foundation, can accommodate up to four cars and includes an additional space designated for handicap parking.

“Previously, visitors had to park on the shoulder of the road, which posed challenges due to passing cars and uneven surfaces,” explains Dave McKinnon, Land Manager and Trails Coordinator, who oversaw the project. “The new lot is set back from the street, evenly surfaced, and connects directly to an existing all-access trail.”

Known for its gentle terrain and distinctive landscape, Seine Field has undergone several accessibility enhancements in recent years. In 2019, a new quarter-mile crushed stone loop trail was introduced, allowing visitors of all abilities to navigate the area with greater ease. Additionally, three benches were installed, offering comfortable spots for guests to relax and take in the beautiful surroundings.

​​​​​​​Conserved by Greenbelt in 1992, Seine Field is a rare coastal habitat known as “Open Heathland” or “Relic Sandplain Grassland,” with sandy soil and low vegetation. Located on Eastern Point, a designated Important Bird Area, the field is named after fishermen who once dried their seine nets there—a tradition that continues some days in June.