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Donaciones planificadas

Whether through a will, trust, or other giving options, planned gifts allow you to make a lasting impact that aligns with your personal and financial goals. With flexible options available for individuals at all stages of life and financial means, there’s a way for everyone to contribute to the preservation of our natural heritage.

If you’re passionate about protecting the cherished natural landscapes of Essex County for future generations, consider joining the growing group of supporters who have included Greenbelt in their estate plans as members of the Land & Legacy Giving Circle. Your generosity today will create a lasting impact, ensuring these vital places are preserved for years to come.

Planned Giving FAQ

Consider these planned giving options:

The most common way to include Greenbelt in your estate planning is by making a charitable provision in your will or trust. This kind of charitable bequest can be a designated dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or the residual amount remaining in your estate after all other obligations have been made. 

Sample language:
I bequeath to Essex County Greenbelt Association, a Massachusetts charitable corporation of Essex, Massachusetts, the sum of $__(or__%) of my residuary estate to be used for its general purposes. 

Our tax identification 501(c)3 number is: 04-2264297.

Consider leaving a legacy to land conservation by naming Essex County Greenbelt as a beneficiary of all or part of your qualified retirement plan assets, such as an IRA, 401(K), or 403(b). Unlike heirs, charitable beneficiaries do not have to pay any income or estate taxes for receiving these funds. A straightforward process that doesn’t require a will or lawyer: simply notify the custodian of your retirement funds that you wish to designate all or part of a specific fund to benefit Essex County Greenbelt.

Another easy option that doesn’t require a will or lawyer: legacy donors can designate Essex County Greenbelt as a beneficiary on financial accounts, including retirement plans, bank accounts, and life insurance policies. Simply contact your account provider to request a ‘Change of Beneficiary’ form, and add Essex County Greenbelt as you would a loved one, or alongside your current beneficiaries.

If you have a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), consider directing the sponsoring organization to allocate the principal of your fund to Essex County Greenbelt upon your passing, or to Greenbelt and other charities you support, in specified percentages.

Land with important conservation value may be donated to Essex County Greenbelt. If you’re considering this option, please contact Vanessa Johnson-Hall, Director of Land Conservation, at 978-768-7241 ext. 116.

Houses, buildings, and other developed real estate can be donated as “green trade” properties, with the proceeds from their sale supporting critical conservation efforts.

Retained life estate allows you to transfer ownership of your home or other property to Essex County Greenbelt while retaining the right to live there for the remainder of your life. This option offers income tax benefits and can simplify estate settlement and tax processes

A Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) can offer significant tax benefits along with financial flexibility. A gift annuity is a contract between a donor and a non-profit organization in which the organization agrees to pay a fixed income, usually for the life of the donor and/or spouse, but others can be named as the life beneficiaries. At the conclusion of the annuity, the amount equal to the difference between the original gift and the cost of providing the annuity is left to benefit the organization in perpetuity.

A charitable remainder trust is a tax-exempt irrevocable trust designed to reduce your individual taxable income. It first disburses income to the beneficiaries of the trust for a specified period of time and then donates the remainder of the trust to the designated charity, such as Essex County Greenbelt.

​​​​​​​A charitable lead trust enables the donor to make significant charitable contributions in the near term, then distribute the remainder interest to non-charitable beneficiaries who may benefit from significantly lowered gift and estate taxes. 

Leave a Lasting Legacy

Protecting and caring for our region’s vital natural resources beyond one’s lifetime is a powerful act of conservation. The Land & Legacy Giving Circle is a special group of donors who have made the thoughtful decision to include Greenbelt in their estate plans, ensuring that our cherished landscapes are protected for generations to come. We are deeply grateful to those who have made this generous commitment to our mission.

If you’ve already included Greenbelt in your estate plans, or are considering doing so, we’d love to hear from you. Your support is invaluable, and we want to personally thank you for your dedication to preserving our natural heritage. We respect your privacy and offer the option to remain anonymous, should you choose.

Have Questions or Want to Learn More?

If you have questions about the Land & Legacy Giving Circle or making a planned gift to Greenbelt, please don’t hesitate to contact Rachel Horgan, Director of Development & Community Engagement, at 978-768-7241 ext. 122 for assistance.

Let our Development Staff Assist You

  • Rachel Horgan
    Director of Development & Community Engagement
    978-768-7241 ext. 122
  • Ann Rose
    Development Manager
    978-768-7241 ext. 113
  • Anna Fletcher
    Donor & Community Engagement Specialist
    978-768-7241 ext. 110