Saving a Species: Osprey
Once a rare sight, Ospreys are now seen in Essex County soaring over coastlines, diving into waters to catch fish and perching on their large nests.
Since 2008, Greenbelt has focused on Osprey conservation by building and maintaining nesting platforms, collecting data, educating the public, and collaborating on research to advance Osprey conservation.
Donate to Support Osprey Program Interactive Map of Osprey Nests in Northeast Massachusetts

Osprey Cam
Osprey Annie & Squam will be in southern climates until Spring. Join us then when the OspreyCam will again be live, and they return and (hopefully) add new chicks to the Osprey population in Northeast Massachusetts.

Virtual Osprey Story
Learn about Greenbelt’s Osprey conservation program in this multi-media presentation.

Osprey Annual Reports
Each year, Greenbelt provides an update on the status of Osprey breeding in Essex County.

Become A Citizen Scientist!
Join Greenbelt as a volunteer to help monitor active Osprey nests north of Boston.

Osprey Sightings & Monitoring Form
Greenbelt’s Osprey Volunteers report on nest activity.