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Greenbelt Initiatives

Greenbelt is dedicated to combating climate change by incorporating climate resiliency into our land conservation projects, operations, and property stewardship.

Greenbelt’s climate initiatives are partially funded by a Coastal Resilience Grant from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management.

Learn More About Greenbelt

Land Conservation Climate Strategy

Greenbelt is integrating the latest climate resiliency data to help us better achieve high-impact land conservation by prioritizing the conservation of land parcels  best suited to be a line of defense against climate change.

Greenbelt's Prioritization Work

Coastal Resiliency

Over the last fifty years, Essex County has had sixteen declared flood events, the most of any county in Massachusetts.

Ever-increasing sea level rise, larger rain storms and more intense hurricanes can be expected.

Protecting Coasts & Marshes

Stewardship Management

Greenbelt’s goal is to manage properties in ways that achieve maximum results in mitigating climate change, including work to limit the impact of invasive plants.  

Flooding, Fires & Climate Adaptation

Leading by Example

Along with Greenbelt’s mission to conserve land in Essex County, it is our goal to practice sustainable measures at our Cox Reservation Headquarters to mitigate our carbon footprint.  The Cox Reservation also faces flooding threats.

Solar Power, EV Charging & Floods

Raising Awareness

Through our Film & Lecture Series, Family Nature Series, Monthly Walks & Climate Newsletter, Greenbelt works to show what is at stake for the future of Essex County.

Evidence of a Changing Planet