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Resources for Farmers

Resources for Farmers & Farmland Owners

A list of organizations that provide information and resources.

  • American Farmland Trust - Works nationally to protect farmland, promote sound farming practices, and keep farmers on the land.
  • Carrot Project - Supports agricultural businesses by addressing the most important gaps at the intersections of financial security, racial and economic justice, financial barriers to farmland access, and farmers’ ability to weather major disruptions. They do this as business advisors and through education, advocacy, and research.
  • Land for Good - Works to ensure the future of farming in New England by providing support and guidance to help farmers, landowners and communities navigate the complex challenges of affordable  and equitable farmland access, tenure, and transfer. 
  • Legal Food Hub -  Provides pro bono legal assistance, workshops, and training to farmers in order to foster a sustainable and resilient food system.
  • Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources - Supports, regulates and enhances the rich diversity of the Commonwealth’s agricultural community to promote economically and environmentally sound food safety and animal health measures, and fulfill agriculture’s role in energy conservation and production.
  • Massachusetts Farm Bureau - Works to strengthen a diverse agricultural community by supporting and advocating for Massachusetts farm families.
  • National Young Farmers Coalition - Works to shift power and change policy to equitably resource a new generation of farmers.
  • Natural Resources Conservation Service - A federal agency that works with the people of Massachusetts to improve and protect soil, water and other natural resources.
  • New England Vegetable & Berry Growers Association - The oldest vegetable growers association in America supports  the vegetable and berry industry in New England.
  • New Entry Sustainable Farming Project - Works with new farmers to build strong businesses, expertise in the field, and a resilient food system.
  • Northeast Organic Farming Association - Their purpose is to advocate for and educate on organic and sustainable agriculture and family-scale farming. 
  • University of Massachusetts Agricultural Mediation Services - Provides training and mediation services to farmers, their creditors, and the USDA to address conflicts.