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Business Sponsorship

A Win-Win Partnership

Good for you:

  • Increases visibilty for your business
  • A chance to “give back” to the community
  • Recognizes your contribution to land lonservation

Good for us:

  • Builds relationship with local businesses like yours
  • Directly supports Greenbelt’s work of conserving our farms, wildlife habitat, and climate-resilient land

Opportunities for You & Your Business    Corporate Conservationist Program

Business Sponsors: Join or Renew Today    Business Sponsors: Give a Gift of Stock

Give via a Donor-Advised Fund

Call Rachel Horgan, Director of Development and Community Engagement, for more information about business sponsorships: 978-768-7241 ext. 110

Greenbelt’s Federal Tax ID (EIN )is 04-2664297

Corporate Conservationists 

$20,000 or more

Let our Development Staff Assist You

  • Rachel Horgan
    Director of Development & Community Engagement
    978-768-7241 ext. 122
  • Ann Rose
    Development Manager
    978-768-7241 ext. 113
  • Anna Fletcher
    Donor & Community Engagement Specialist
    978-768-7241 ext. 110